Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12 Ishpeming,mi

Take a look at the picture and see if you know what it is.
Today I woke up to a bright sun and comfortable weather. Left sault ste marie about 10:00. Had a leasurely drive over here to ishpeming (thats the correct spedlling). Most of the way was through national or state forest, and not too much to see. However, when i got to the area between munising and marguette there were some great views of lake superior. the land was a little hilly, and you could look down on the lake. Arrived here about 2:00 after stopping for lunch and gas. The evening is cool, but not uncomfortable. Nearly the best day I have seen in a while. Tomorrow I am going yo go on to Wisconsin.
Now for the picture. I took a drive into Marquette to see what the town was like. Its an old town, but they have cleaned it up and modernized many of the buildings in the downtown. All along the lake front is park for seveal miles, marinas, bike and running paths,and picnic areas. At the north of the town I noticed this structure. When I got close to it I could see that it was an unloading facility for coal for a powerplant across the road ( thats the round thing in the middle. The lake freighters dock here and with their self udnloading booms, they ubload coal into this hopper and it is conveyed to the plant, The big red structure is a loading facility for the freighters . The iron ore arrives in hopper cars. If you look closely, you can see them sitting on top of the structure. There are chutes that lower down into the freighter holds, and the iron or is emptied thru the bottom of the railcars directly into the ship hold. Pretty slick and non labor intensive of loading these ships/
Until tomorrow

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