Friday, July 17, 2009

Jluly 17 At Green Bay

Today was another cold wet day record low highs in the area. I went to Green Bay to see some of the town and Lambeau stadium. It was an interesting tour. The first pic is of the atrium entdrance from the outside0 very impressive to walk up to it. Pic 2 is of the atrium- they were setting up tables for a hall of fame invocation dinner todmorrow night. The guide told us that they have four gormet chefs on the stadium payroll. It seems that they have weddings and receptions up above the atrium, and all kind of meetings and dinners here. THey rent out parts of the facility all year long. There was even a reenlistment ceremont scheduled for later in the day today in one of the boxes upstairs. Pic three should be a view of their practice facility.its very impressive with two indoor fields 70 yards long and several tents for out door workouts. Pic no.four is anotherattempt to get the tractice facility, Not good. Pic five i dont know what it is. Pic six is of the playing field. This is a piece of work. About 18 inches below the surface is a network of plastic pipes running back and fourth across the field that can keep the surface at 55 to 69 degrees in the coldest days. Then the field is sowen with Kentucky Blue Grrass seed from New Jersey because their soil conditions are like Green Bay. Them They hired two sewing machines from Europe that sewed 7 inch long plastic strips all over the fields so that it always looks green. There is a staff of three people who take care of nothing but the field. Pic 7 is of the scoreboard and some of the box seats/ Pic 8is another view of the field. Pic nine is tdhe heisman trophy that Bart Starr won.
All in all it was very impresive stdiu,.
Tdomorrow Iam going to Appleton to see The University of Wisconsin and the city.
I will be leaving Sunday for the dells area and staying at the Madison KOA. There ubtil Wednesday and thenoff th South Dakkota.

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