Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weddnesday june 30, 2009

The last image is a picture of A summer day at Muskegon
beach. It's cloudy, thretening rain, the wind is about 12 mph off of the water out of the west. The temperature has risen all the way up to 57 degrees. The water temp has warmed up to 53 degrees. A really good summer bech day in western Michigan. HAH HAH.
Thhe second and third pictures are a museum that I stumbled onto while looking for the beach. its of a world war two submarine that is a national historic place because of its feats in the war. It sank 30 japanese ships and damaged 14 more, and rescued severl downed aviators during 15 patrols over three years during the war. It has more sinkings than any other submarine that survived the war. The other picture is kof the Great lakes Naval Museum which houses memprbilia and pictures form naval efforts during world war two. It also hosts sea scout activities. Kind of like the Battleship North Carolina. The submarine was interesting you could walk thru it and see all of it. it was in very good shape and some parts of it were still working like the desiel engines and some control room things.
Spent some time looking around Muskegon. You can see the effects of the recession here. More homes for sale, and more empty commercial buildings. However there are a lot of abandoned factory building that i ddont think started with the recession. i think that a lot of these factories had closed up long before this year or last year. It reminds me of the area around Beaver Falls with all the old factory buildings standing idle. I will say that they seem to be making an effort to get their economy going again.I noticed a large building that had a sign on the front Amazon. It looked full and busy, I would assume that it was Amazon.com. In addition rhey are having that music festival for a week that I mentioned last night. The beach areaslooked rather deserted of tourists on the streets for this time of the year, and the boat yard still had a very large number of boats on the hill, and had advertisments for slips available. Not a good sign.

Thats itd fort today, tomorrow I plan to go to Ludington for he day.
lzst night as I was comming bacck from diner, I saw a big doe standing in a clearing beside the road. She was a really nice looking doe.

1 comment:

  1. Went in a WWII sub in San Diego once and could not imagine doing a tour of duty on one.

    My hat is off to those brave and maybe a little crazy men, ha.
